
CAMA – Collaboration for Active Mobility in Africa
(“kama twende” in Swahili means “let’s go”)

The goal of the research project CAMA is the promotion of active mobility – walking and cycling – in sub-Saharan Africa. The project is based on the Collaboration between three Universities of the East Africa – University of Nairobi, Kenya, Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, Mekelle Unversity in Mekelle, Ethiopia, – as well as two academic institutions from Germany – University of Kassel and the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe.

The focus of the project is on the one side data collection based on surveys and digital tools, on the other side – capacity development of young researchers through workshops, evaluation and common publication of the results.

By providing the tools and methods for a survey of walking and cycling behavior in in the three African cities involved, it is helping to close the current knowledge gaps in this area. For the evaluation and discussion of the results learning alliances will be formed.

The publication of the results takes a central role. They will be published and presented in different ways: in the classical way – in scientific journals and on scientific conferences – but as important they will be presented as factsheets to experts and decision makers and will be incorporated into teaching and training material.

Program: Partnerships for sustainable solutions with sub-Saharan Africa

Funding agencies: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany and German Academic Exchange Service

Duration: June 2021 – May 2025

Consortium: Find out more about our Partners.

CAMA Fact Sheet